Unique colour
Carnation Bouquet is an exclusive peony variety that owes its name to the shape of its bud; it looks a bit like a carnation. The bright pink colour of Carnation Bouquet is a real selling point; it’s completely unique!
Carnation Bouquet variety is both rose-shaped and bomb-shaped. Initially it blooms in the shape of a rose but eventually turns into a perfectly round, cerise-coloured sphere.
This peony has tough, green leaves and stems that are pretty short, just like those of Lois Choice. Carnation Bouquet can be somewhat top-heavy because of the large flowers and slight stems.
Carnation Bouquet, like Lois Choice, is a variety loved by connoisseurs and enthusiasts. You have to be patient with this peony variety and provide a lot love. But it’s worth it, as Carnation Bouquet is a peony you’ll never forget!
Carnation Bouquet was registered in 1996 by Bill Seidl, an American breeder.
Discover the world’s highest quality peonies. Fresh from the fields, cultivated with care by our expert growers. All of our peonies come with a unique ‘full bloom guarantee’. To place your order, please contact our sales team, or get in touch with one of our preferred resellers.
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