Cut the stems diagonally. Place them in a clean vase filled with clean water and flower food. Make sure there are no leaves in the water. Change the water daily, cut the stems again and add more flower food. Don’t worry if you only do this care ritual every three to four days, it will be fine!
The flower buds of the peony are naturally covered in a sugar coating. With some varieties, this makes it more difficult for the flower buds to open. You can help by sprinkling (or rinsing) them with lukewarm water. Most peonies are sold with slightly opened buds. Then the chances are they will open by themselves; instant enjoyment.
Which vase to choose? It doesn’t really matter, as long as the flowers have room to grow. Once they start to open, the flower buds grow bigger. Especially the double-flowered varieties. They will amaze you. Angel Cheeks, for example, grows four times as large in the vase. A feast to behold!